Sunday, January 9, 2011

Library Thing

After my last post on Steve Martin’s new book, An Object of Beauty, I got to thinking about just how much I love to read.  Life is beautiful but sometimes you just need a little escape, which a good book can always be.  Another one of the books I am currently reading is The Participatory Museum by Nina Simon.  In it, as she is an avid reader [context clues, I do not personally know this fact], when discussing ideas behind personalized experiences through technological engines she mentions LibraryThing. LibraryThing is an online site that catalogues and recommends books to its users, like a facebook only about the books you read.  I recently started a page of my own and am really enjoying entering in all the books I can remember reading.  Each entry is a little trip down my book memory lane.  Become a LiraryThing-er yourself and see what the ‘Unsuggester’ recommends for you!  The ‘Unsuggester’ suggests books to you that based on your book profile, you would never read.   


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